Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sam is one.

On 3.9.12 Sam turned one. Wow. Sometimes I think someone used a zapper, time machine thing on me while I was sleeping to fast forward a year. How else can we explain how this year went by so fast? One minute you find out you're pregnant, the next, you have a squishy, stranger baby in your arms... and POOF! He's a year old.

So what have I learned so far being a parent of a one year old? Well, too many to write. But I have a few lessons that should be jotted down for the future... because I know I'll forget.

1. Don't sweat the small stuff. So I admit to you, this is a really broad category. How do you know how to classify something as "small"? Well, only you can be the judge of that, but I've learned that you will never be able to control all factors in the situation, but it's good to be reminded that life is messy. That's what makes it beautiful and allows you to grow in ways you didn't know possible.

2. Go with your gut. After a year of taking care of Sam, I've realized as a mother you have to go with your intuition. There have many times where I felt like I should do something, but couldn't, wouldn't, or felt I shouldn't. But out of those times, it seemed that doing that very thing I initially wanted to do would have been best for him.

3. Protect time with your spouse. Now this is a touchy one. I'll be the first one to admit that I've failed at this one many times. And will probably continue to in the future. I've found in our relationship (and most for that matter) that it's crucial to have protected time without any interruptions. Interruptions being a baby around. :) Now this may mean you need to get creative with your schedules. I know with the husband busy in seminary, we've definitely had to get creative. Maybe it's an at home date night after the baby is in bed. Either way, it's important to keep your relationship in tune, and in return, this will allow you to be great parents because you're working on a stable foundation for your children.

4. Document it. So if you've seen my Facebook, you'll know that I have no problem in this area. My motto is I'd rather have too much than too little. Photos and video are both great ways to keep track of your baby's growth and milestones. Try journaling about what you're experiencing or what he/she is currently doing. It not only can relieve stress that you may be experiencing, but it will be a nice momento. I need to work on journaling.

5. And most of all, enjoy your baby! Whatever difficulty or trial you may be facing as a parent will never be as important as enjoying and loving your baby. Thanks to my husband for reminding me this important lesson this last year, I've learned that it's always about perspective. We choose what light to view our lives in. Enjoying your baby (over anxiety) is what God intended us to do.

Here are just a few things I've learned over the past year. Feel free to add any more tips. I'd love to learn from you!

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