Monday, October 31, 2011

Sam the Lion

Sam the Lion. It has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? This is Sam's first Halloween! Something special about Samuel being a lion was that Tony was a lion his very first Halloween.

Well, let me honest with you. It wasn't until yesterday that I decided he should be a lion. Yesterday. You know, the day before Halloween. Hmmm. I don't know why, but the thought didn't really cross my mind that I should dress up my adorable baby boy as a cute, fuzzy, something-rather until yesterday. Shame on me.

Most excited, chipper, or gung-ho (I always saw myself as one of these) mothers plan what they're sweet baby will be for Halloween when they find out they're pregnant. If not by then, when they're baby is born. I'm sort of joking when I say this. Sort of. But before you knew it, BAM! He's eight months old, and I hadn't given it much thought. I guess the thought stressed me out...? That sounds lame.

It wasn't until yesterday when I told Tony I wanted to dress Samuel up as a cute, fuzzy something-rather. I frantically got on the internet and started searching baby halloween costumes to purchase. Most were on sale since it was so last minute. Tony just stood behind me and said flippantly, "My mom made my costumes."

At first...I won't lie to you. I was a teeny bit offended. So what (No offense, Mom)? The thought of making a costume stresses me out, okay? And we're talking less than a day away, sir. But then, a light bulb went off! Wait a sec. Hold everything. I know how to make things. Crocheted things. I can crochet his costume. Then I got a very large dose of adrenaline, and started feeling awfully creative/crafty without warning.

Yes, I can do this!

So without delay, I started crocheting. And did not stop until I the head piece, tail, and paws for the feet. I had it completed last night. Ahhh. Victory!

Though my hand is a little cramped today, it was oh so worth it to see my little guy look this adorable. And sure the outfit makes him look even cuter.

Lil' Bow Wow and Sam the Lion

Friday, October 28, 2011

Stomach bug.

Last weekend the Melton household was sick, and we haven't been this sick in a long time. But the worst part about it was we couldn't just crawl into bed, draw the shades, and get some much needed rest.

Any parent might chuckle at this thought.

Of course, someone needed to take care of Sam. You almost forget this when it's the first time you're sick while you're a parent. Though the memory of this weekend is quite foggy, I do remember being so sick that all I wanted to do was cry, but even that required too much energy.

While in and out of sleep, I revisited childhood memories of my dear grandmother caring for me. She would often rub my head, pray for me, make me soup or tea, and simply love on me. She was the best at taking care of sick kiddos. Perhaps it was a consequence of raising two sets of children? Maybe. Or maybe it was because she has that much compassion and love for people? I think so. Oh, how I wished she could come over to take care of me.

Next to my compassionate grandmother is my selfless husband. Since he wasn't as sick during the weekend, (the bug got him early the next week) he was able to take care of both of us. He made me soup (and it did the trick), cleaned the house, and let me sleep while he played with Sam. And not to mention that Samuel was as sweet as he could be this weekend. He played contently with his toys and had a blast with daddy.

Why is it we take for granted the health the Lord gives us? But it isn't until it's gone do we realize how much we lost, and how we would do anything to have it back.

Valuable lesson: Start each day with a grateful attitude. Thank the Lord for your health and all the blessings of this life. You never know when it will be taken from you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Being Samuel's mama

Everyone tells you that your life will change drastically when you have a baby. You know it's true; you even try to brace yourself. But you can never really prepare yourself for that day until it really happens.

Like most little girls, I dreamed of what it would be like to be a mother. I played house, played with baby dolls, and cooed over babies. I would often cradle a baby in my arms and wonder what it would be like to one day cradle my baby.

And then it happened. Samuel was born, and I held him for the first time. There are no combinations of words to fully describe what holding my son for the first time was like. But if I dare try, it was like my heart overflowed (or even exploded) with joy, love, and awe.

My son was finally here. Little did he know that he was wept over, prayed fervently for, rejoiced over, feared over, and patiently waited for. All he knew was that God made me his mama.

Seven months have passed. I didn't know that it was possible to have this much love for this little guy, but it mysteriously grows with each passing day. The best part about this journey of mamahood is that my love for my husband and God grows exponentially as well.

I am humbled and so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to be Samuel's mama. I wouldn't want it any other way. I would endure it all again for you, my son. All of the anticipation, heartache, loss, pregnancy sickness, stretch marks, weight gain; it was all well worth it and more.

I love you, Samuel.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sleepless in Dallas

So I did it. Again. I drank caffeine today. I've said good-bye to this old friend long ago, but today seemed like a good day to try it again. Especially since my good friends gave us a can of Cafe Au Loit from New Orleans... yum. But those few sips of yumminess have caused me to sit in front of the computer at this odd time of the night which I rarely see. So when the restlessness first began, I opted to look at my phone. Oh, the iphone. A blessing and a curse. After an hour went by, I started praying. And another hour later, I decided to wake up and write this. I hope it will make me sleepier.

I have been meaning to write lately, so now I won't waste anymore time. And away I go...

We have been traveling a great deal this month. A great deal. I think we've just about broke our bank account from all of the traveling expenses. Though tiring, it's been worth it. I wouldn't trade all of the precious memories and quality time that we've had with our family and friends.

First trip of the summer we ventured off to California for Luke and Ashley's wedding. It was a beautiful occasion where we spent 10 days visiting family and close friends. It was also our first trip as a family of three to the beach.

One week later, we drove to Missouri for the weekend. I had a great time with my in-laws at their home in the country. I was reminded how much I miss the country, open star-filled sky, and the sounds of crickets (we live two blocks from Baylor Hospital, and unfortunately, hear a lot of sirens at night). And it was during this weekend that Sam rolled over for the first time! It was missed by Tony since he was away, but Sam finally showed Daddy what he could do after we were back home in Dallas.

The next weekend, we drove north to Kansas for 4th of July weekend. It was my sister-in-law, Annie's first time meeting Sam. The weekend was filled with lots of fun as we celebrated Grandpa and Grandma Bierman's 50th wedding anniversary, the 2nd Annual Highland Games, and of course, the 4th of July.

When we returned to Dallas, we took part in the Anglican Way Institute. Tony's sister, Valerie also flew in for the conference. It was a memorable week of great teaching and fellowship. This year's focus was on God's plan and will for marriage and the family. I am so blessed to have been able to learn from some amazing teachers.

In two days, we head this weekend to Missouri for the Alvarez wedding. We are looking forward to this joyous occasion. We are also anticipating some great family time.

Sam and Pop at Luke and Ashley's wedding.

Aunty Ileana with Sam.

Sam on Father's Day

Sam rolling over

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Has it really been almost 4 months?!

He's here! And what can I say? Our lives are so different today than the first post. We laugh more, we (I) probably cry more, and we have never had so much love for one tiny, little person. And... we are rejoicing heavily in God's goodness to us!

Samuel Ray Howard was born at 6:45 am on March 9, 2011- Ash Wednesday. He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. He was two weeks early, and boy did he come as a surprise to his mama and papa.

So here's my labor story:

I had a five hour labor from start to finish. My water broke while I was sleeping at 1:40 and the contractions came afterwards. The contractions started up pretty quickly and were very strong. I had to call my midwives a couple of times because they were pretty intense, but they kept assuring me that I was still in the first stages of labor, and that I needed to go to bed. I kept telling Tony that I felt I wasn't in first stages of labor, but even farther. But by the time 5:00 am rolled around, my contractions were 2 to 1.5 min apart. Once we got to the car, I felt the urge to push. When we got the birthing center at 6:00 am, I was dilated to a 9.5. I got in the tub for the last 30 min and he was born at 6:45 am.

It was a whirlwind of an experience, but am so thankful for it. I learned the importance of listening to your body and letting it do what it wants to do.

It's funny how it seems so long ago. Everyone says it, but it's true. It goes by so fast. I've spent the last four months soaking up this sweet baby boy. More to come later. And... I will get better at posting more often. :)


The Meltons

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"God heard"

God heard us.

We now have a healthy baby boy on the way. We feel so incredibly loved by our Father that He indeed answered our prayers. The countdown is still going, but the days are fewer and fewer. We often talk about what he will look like, what our small apartment will be like with another body in the room, what his laugh sounds like...I hope that he has his father's beautiful green eyes, compassionate heart, and ability to make people laugh. There is so much hope in this little one.

We are anxiously awaiting your arrival, sweet boy.